In this week CRSTRA and University of Biskra started the surveys for the socio-economic assessment in El Oued GIAHS site, Algeria.
MedAgriFoodResilience is supported by the FAO GIAHS Programme Secretariat.
In this week CRSTRA and University of Biskra started the surveys for the socio-economic assessment in El Oued GIAHS site, Algeria.
Traditional oases in Northern Africa as multifunctional agroforestry systems: a systematic literature review of the provided Ecosystem Services and of the main vulnerabilities (click to access the published article)
Turin (Italy) from 22nd to 26th September
Download and disseminate the flyer!
MedAgriFood Resilience project attended the SUSFOOD ERA-NET 10 year anniversary “Looking back – moving forward”, 16/17 June 2022 in Brussels (Belgium).
If you missed the kickoff meeting and/or if you want to watch it again, look at the registration!