
Including traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) in agricultural research

Including traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) in agricultural research

In the framework of the ERA-NET Cofund on Food Systems and Climate (FOSC) Knowledge Hub to bring together the insights and experiences from NUTRiGREEN and MedAgriFood
Resilience research projects, a manual on the importance of including Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in research on agriculture and agroforestry has been published.

The manual was written for fellow researchers and policymakers in agriculture, agroforestry, food security and international development. It aims to bring into focus the effective inclusion of both traditional and scientific knowledge in global research.

Thanks to Dr. Judith Henze from the Humboldt University Berlin (co-coordinator of the NUTRiGREEN Project and co-author of the manual) and to Cristobal Marin Rojas, coordinator of the FOSC Knowledge Hub for his support!


Link a:
NUTRiGREEN project
